Senior Year

While making the decision to return back to soccer wasn’t easy, I’m very thankful that I did. Being my last season as a Nashua High School South soccer player was very rewarding. Coach Tom proved to many of the players that he was there to improve the program. I was becoming the player I once was, my health was becoming more “normal”, and the team was working harder than ever.

Like previously mentioned in my last post, I was going to work my way from just practicing to playing in games. I stuck to that routine religiously, it was almost my safety net. Until the girl who was filling my position got hurt, Coach Tom glanced at me then back at the field and then back at me. I had been practicing for almost a month and while I thought about returning to the game the nerves of getting hurt were still there. They would remain there until I stepped on that field to play a game and I knew that, but something inside me kept saying I wasn’t ready. But it was my time to shine. I looked at Coach Tom, then at my mom on the sidelines and proceeded to take off the pinny and jog onto the field.

My teammates and their parents all had looks of surprise written across their face and to be honest, I did too. A year ago I had never thought that I would step onto another soccer field let alone play another game. But here I was, facing the odds that I had set before myself. I remember thinking to myself and planning out each and every move I was going to do throughout the whole game. “Okay, you got the ball, dripple two or three steps, once you feel pressure look for the open teammate, then pass it. Play doesn’t stop there, how do you support the teammate with the ball? Where’s the open spot?” constant play by play thoughts ran through my head.

Before I knew it the game was done. I had officially returned back to the sport I loved and boy did it feel good. I would be left with a season of joy and achievements. Although we didn’t make it past the first round of play offs, this season was a huge victory for me. I overcame the odds of a concussion, doubt, and self pity. That season I was awarded most improved player and boy did I feel new and improved.

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